Wittenham Clumps
Boxing Day, and overfull with sweet roast
sherry trifle, fruited cake, we craved the
open sky
and ventured out to Wittenham, its grassy
still frosted in the afternoon. Hand-held
we stumped
up Castle Hill, to find the ancient Poem
Tree -
Tubb’s tribute to his landscape:
Augustine’s monastery;
remains of Roman villas cradled by the
winding Thames;
Cwichelm’s grave; the distant Ridgeway; Mercia’s
We traced his pen-knifed stanzas, gnarled
and worn,
distorted by a century’s growth. Before we
for home, we took a photograph, just us,
the tree, the sky,
where over-wheeled by rare Red Kites we
paused awhile.
Unseen, beneath its bark, a beetled core. A
summer storm
has swept it all away; now even words are
Angi Holden
Simply stunning.